Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Prayer summit in Manitoba advises replacing current prayer with moment of silence to begin daily sittings of the legislature

The Manitoba government is one step closer to creating a new way to open daily sessions of the Legislature following a “prayer summit” on Monday. 

The summit, which was held at the invitation of Premier Wab Kinew, brought together about 60 representatives from the province’s various faith communities — and also some who came from a secular perspective. 

At the summit, there was agreement there needs to be some sort of moment for reflection before each sitting, and that a moment of silence would be best and most inclusive. 

It would be a time, Kinew said, when elected officials could think “humbly” about the service they have been called to on behalf of the people of Manitoba.

Read more in the Free Press, including Kinew's thoughts about the summit.

Photo: Mike Deal, Free Press.


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