Monday, August 19, 2024

Roman Catholic church in Winnipeg wants to do more than just feed spiritual hunger; through their Harvest Ministry, they want to meet local food needs, too


At St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish in Whyte Ridge, they don’t only want to meet the spiritual hunger of people in Winnipeg — they want to provide food for their physical hunger, too. 

That’s the thinking behind the parish’s garden, which is in its first year of providing fresh produce for five local charities in the city. 

“It’s a way to share our blessings with those in need,” said Rod Cantiveros, one of about 30 members of the parish looking after the garden. 

Read my story about the garden, and the non-profit groups it helps, in the Free Press.

Photo above: Father Darrin Gurr (from left), Brenda Van Walleghem, Rachel Banmann and Rod Cantiveros of St. Gianna's pairsh check out the produce at the community garden, Photo credit: Mikaela Mackenzie, Free Press.

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