Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A problem in the pews? Or a new way for Canadian Christians to show faithfulness? A new study raises interesting questions.

God as a three-in-one, Jesus as divine, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead — these are traditional church teachings that all Christians are assumed to believe. But a recent study by Cardus and the Canadian Bible Society has found that assumption to be unfounded.

Titled “Still Christian(?): What Canadian Christians Actually Believe,” the study’s author, Andrew Bennett, found the beliefs of many Canadian Christians don’t match up with what their churches teach on these and other doctrines.

For Bennett, the results are startling. “You could say there’s a real problem in the pews,” he said.

But is that the case? Maybe something is happening in Canadian churches today as people find new ways of expressing and practicing faithfulness—ways that go beyond the need to believe certain things in order to be a Christian.

Read my column in the Free Press.

Photo from Catholic Review.

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