Wednesday, October 16, 2024

50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons: From a portal to the demonic to being used by churches to engage youth


Fifty years ago, a new game appeared on the scene: Dungeons & Dragons. Soon after being introduced, the fantasy role-playing game, with its magic, wizards, sorcerers and warlocks, was criticized by many Christian leaders who saw it as a portal to the demonic — a way for Satan to steal the souls of unsuspecting youth. 

That was during the time of the so-called “satanic panic,” when some Christians saw the devil everywhere they looked, from heavy metal music to graffiti. 

In at least two churches in Winnipeg today, however, D&D is seen in a very different light—they use it as a way to engage and reach out to youth.

Read about it in the Free Press.

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